Malaysian Ageing Research Network (MARN)
Network of researchers in the field of aging among researchers in Malaysia.

Objectives of the Establishment of MARN
- Provide a platform to encourage the exchange of information and sharing the expertise of local researchers for the scientific development of the field of aging;
- To develop the capacity and role of local researchers to accelerate multidisciplinary collaborative scholarly activities in Malaysia; and
- Improving the impact and outcomes of overall aging research in terms of policy inputs and programs at the national, state and local government levels.
5 key areas of Malaysian Aging Research Network (MARN)
Environment & Technology
Networks Activities, Let’s us move with these 5 pillars
Research information
Lists of expertise, publications and research/ study projects will be compiled through CV/ resume data or short surveys of members online if necessary.
Membership is open to any researcher (citizen and non-citizen) involved in the study of the elderly and aging in Malaysia, whether from public, private universities or relevant research agencies/bodies.

Work Group
Working groups according to the priority of research areas will be established to encourage the cooperation of researchers from different institutions / states for the bidding and activities of research projects at the national and international levels.
Open data
Periodic activities
Our Partners
Collaboration is important in order to have a bigger vision. Feel free to collaborate with us.
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